Tragedy doesn’t take a vacation. The owners of a Pensacola, Fla. paint and body shop ended 2019 red hot, but it wasn’t the warm-up they were anticipating this holiday season.
Firefighters spent New Year’s Eve battling a fire at the shop in West Pensacola. No one was hurt during the fire, but a few people were treated on the scene for smoke inhalation. The cause of the fire remains under investigation, but inquisitive minds can consider the proximity of flammable paint and spray mixtures could have played a role in the blaze.
Improper storage of paint, sprays and mixing stations can ruin established and reputable businesses
Autobody and mechanic shops are notorious hotbeds for fires and freak accidents that result in injury and death. Unfortunately, almost all workplace accidents involving dangerous chemicals, such as paints, are totally preventable. Human error and wanton disregard, and a lack of respect in handling paints, primers and fuels can destroy well-engineered and soundly designed cars and engines.
Guaranteed four-hour fire rated protection
Flammable storage lockers from U.S. Hazmat Storage can adequately maintain, store and isolate paints, primers and other chemicals used in almost any autobody or repair shop. What many shop owners fail to realize is that brick, wood and traditional building materials aren’t enough to properly store paints and thinners from the ravishes of flames. They rely on experience and the lack of a precedent or other accident as justification for not seeking out additional measures of protection.
Superior spill sump containment system
Spills can be just as costly and dangerous as fires. If toxic paints and sprays escape into the ecosystem, you can expect a not-so-friendly visit from the EPA or other government agencies. The resulting fines and civil penalties could bankrupt your small business that could be operating on razor-thin margins. Simply storing paint canisters by the wayside or on shelving simply isn’t enough to guarantee that your shop’s surrounding environment will remain untouched in the event of a spill or accident.
Contain every spill, prevent almost any accident

At U.S. Hazmat Storage, we are continually pushing the limits of chemical and mechanical engineering to yield the best possible steel protection that money can offer. Long nights at the drafting board, calculating load bearings and testing the integrity of our fire-resistant lockers have led to the integration of an innovative spill sump containment option for each of our chemical storage lockers. If spills do happen, the grated flooring containment system can collect the dangerous material until it can be removed or quarantined by a local hazmat response team.
Explosion proof paneling
You should never settle for second-tier protection when a superior steel chemical locker is readily available with just the click of a mouse or quick phone call. Volatile and dangerous chemicals aren’t just idol components. They can erupt or explode without warning if not properly stored and contained. Each locker comes with superior steel paneling that can withstand threats from all angles and point of origin.