Aviation is soaring to new heights and empowering humanity to the threshold of new explorations we once thought unfathomable.
One hundred years ago, mankind had just taken to the skies. Space exploration was unheard of, let alone the wonders of jet propulsion. In rapid succession, once terrestrial bound aviators began checking off boxes of aviation accomplishments as we continued to race to the wild blue yonder.
But with success comes failure. Like any other field of engineering, established and proven theories are the product of humbling monumental failures. Catastrophic losses and setbacks are an unforgiven reality of aviation and space exploration. All you have to do is Google ‘air disasters’ to attest to this reality.
Not all disasters are airborne, however. Some of these crashes or mishaps happen before they ever get off the ground. To understand the true scope of modern aviation, let’s go back to the drawing board and examine the industry that supports this growing field. Enjoying the modern marvel that is manmade flight would not be possible with the solid engineering behind it. Without engineers and drafters perfecting aircraft, we would not see the rapid advancements that we enjoy today.
Prevent disasters, such as these, with fire rated and non fire rated chemical storage containers
The aviation engineering industry is one of the fastest growing sectors of our economy. Like any other industry, however, they are not immune to hazardous materials incidents. What makes aviation engineering and manufacturing particular prone to these accidents is their propensity to handle volatile and dangerous chemicals that are vital to airplane construction.
A recent explosion at a Wichita, Kansas Beechcraft manufacturing facility is a bleak reminder that tragedies in the aviation industry don’t just take place at 30,000 feet. At least 15 people were injured when a nitrogen line exploded inside the plant. Eleven people were taken to hospitals and four were treated at the scene. Fortunately, no one was killed.
“What felt like an earthquake,” said one person who was in the building at the time. “It was like an explosion there is no other way to describe it. I saw darkness and dirt in the air. I saw everything moving around because, like I said, there was a pretty big explosion. And the walls were flexing and the wall I was standing next to, it moved four feet.”
U.S. Hazmat Storage chemical storage lockers can safely store aviation engineering hazardous materials

Aviation manufacturing facilities are ripe for catastrophe despite the stringent regulations in place to prevent such disasters. U.S. Hazmat Storage can decrease the likelihood of disasters such as these with steel welded storage lockers that can safely store flammable, toxic and volatile chemicals.
Invest in U.S. Hazmat Storage chemical warehouse options
We offer chemical storage lockers in a variety of sizes, depending on your needs and the facility. As we’re sure you already know, aviation manufacturing facilities are huge operations. Jet turbines, fuselages and vital engine components require a large amount of room for building and repair. Our storage lockers are steel welded and up to the task of protecting what’s important to you.