We’re certainly living through unprecedented times, as it appears the new ‘Roaring’ 20s’ are living up to the moniker. Humanity teetered with complete despair during the tumultuous COVID19 pandemic that is only now simmering at a low boil. Fallout from supply chain distributions and inflation woes left many of us wondering if the next Great Depression was at our doorsteps. Fears of continued nuclear proliferation and the largest military operation in Europe since WWII have also weakened our underpinnings of democracy and hope that we once believed were bulletproof. And of course, who could forget seismic shifts in world weather patterns. Last March set a national record for tornadoes, as more than 218 twisters touched down nationwide. Unlike the old ‘Roaring 20s,’ technological innovations in the form of revolutionary community storm shelters could be a cash boon for storm weary project managers.
Community Storm Shelters For All of Life’s Storms
Did you know that ‘Tornado Alley’ is shifting? Massive killer storms are no longer targeting the prairie states alone, as the Deep South has become the new epicenter for killer storms. Meteorologists are baffled by this phenomenon. While destruction and chaos wreak unprecedented havoc on communities and neighborhoods, there’s another population often overlooked during tornado season: construction workers. Spring is also primetime for new construction projects. As soon as the weather breaks, excavators, backhoes and their hardhat companions strike pay dirt while breaking ground on new buildings and repairing infrastructure that has fallen by the wayside. But as their shovels strike fresh earth, physics-defying tornadoes descend from the skies above to violently till-up the freshly planted seeds of humanity’s best efforts. Unlike residential structures that at least offer a basement or a last resort closet for protection, construction crews, who work in wide open areas, are at the mercy of these killer storms. They simply have nowhere to run.
Easy To Implement Storm Shelters That Don’t Interrupt Daily Operations

Job sites and construction zones are busy places. We get it. You have crane operators zigging culverts and I-beams just stories above, sparks from acetylene torches send showers of burnt metal particles below. Danger abounds at even the most well-orchestrated jobsites, so even the slightest chance of severe weather or tornadoes throws a wrench into your well-oiled machine. But what if you didn’t have to send workers running for the hills every time news broke of a killer tornado barreling down on your vicinity? Our community storm shelters can protect dozens of employees in even the most remotest of locations. These behemoth safe rooms can be easily implemented into any jobsite without interrupting daily operations.
Ideal for Oil Field Workers, Lengthy New Builds and Large Commercial Construction Projects

Roughnecks in the wide open oil fields are at an innate disadvantage when it comes to tornadoes and storm season. Tornado Alley and the most prosperous oil strikes coexist in the same territory. The transient nature of this work, which relies on single wide trailers, creates a war zone in the making. Community storm shelters provide the needed protection these workers need, so they’re not constantly looking over their shoulders for the next funnel cloud to descend. The same goes for any sector of the construction industry. If employees feel well protected and taken care of, they can focus on the job at hand, which will improve worker morale and reduce turnover. How can you expect to make a profit when you’re wasting so much time and money training a revolving door of new employees?