Are you ready for the next pandemic? Despite the best efforts of the more entrenched conspiracy theorists and fearmongers, COVID19 didn’t bring about the end of the world, but it did reignite an aged old question. How prepared are you when the lights of society go down for good? Don’t worry, we aren’t trying to scare you. But the reality is, we are far too reliant on flimsy supply chains and modern conveniences that were proven to be unreliable during the 2020 pandemic craze. Survivalist training and ‘prepping’ are no longer fringe conspiracies or trends. We all need to be prepared for the unexpected. Hedge your bets. Safeguard long-term supplies, weapons and ammunition with a fire-rated preppers storage locker from U.S. Hazmat Storage.
When news of an impending lockdown gripped our nation, panic-buying prevailed. Thousands of Americans bogarted everything they could get their hands on including toilet paper (we’re still not sure about this one), fresh meat, produce and cleaning supplies. Overstressed supply lines couldn’t keep up and the barren shelves resembling North Korean grocery stores became an uncomfortable reality. Last month’s hack of the Colonial Pipeline reiterated how ill-prepared the average American as thousands descended upon gas pumps with plastic bags, mason jars and barrels. We will never learn. Panic buying is never the solution. Savvy preppers and survivalists should accumulate supplies in a safe and responsible manner to avoid overstressing supply lines. Our preppers storage locker can help you achieve self-sufficiency and peace of mind.

Preppers storage locker can preserve water, fuel and dry food supplies
‘Preppers’ get a bad rep. Reality TV shows have depicted them as a hairbrained fringe movement that has a kneejerk reaction to whatever whips them up into a frenzy the quickest. The reality, of course, is most of these survivalists are logistical geniuses. They carefully monitor the markets for the best deals and buy in bulk to secure long-term supplies without draining their savings. Their strength is versatility. Preppers are like MacGyver. They can reverse engineer almost any mechanical device and optimize their current arsenal by reinventing it into the right tool for any job. While you see a hammer as a nail driver, these seasoned veterans see a tool, a weapon, wood splitter, knife sharpener, hole digger and so much more.

Survivalists are non-confrontational by nature, as a direct attack would give away the location of their provisions and weaponry, but they will defend themselves if attacked by renegades who didn’t bother to stock up on supplies before the ‘grid went down.’ A preppers storage locker are bullet, theft, and weather resistant. These are ideal for storing large quantities of ammunition, weapons, expensive tools and machinery, and almost any other commodity. Climate control and refrigeration hook-ups also mean you can store large quantities of perishables without fear of spoilage. Perhaps the most overlooked commodity while stockpiling goods is clean water. If electrical systems fail, municipal sanitation efforts with cease and a water shortage will ensue. Our storage lockers are made for accommodating IBC tote containers for water storage. They can be easily stored and removed via handtruck or a forklift.

Protect your family by staying prepared with well-stocked supplies and provisions
The Doomsday Clock is ticking precariously close to midnight. Fears of civil unrest, nuclear proliferation, a foreign invasion and chaotic weather patterns swarm our psyche. You can’t prevent or even completely anticipate the unexpected, but you can prepare the very worst. Preppers storage locker can preserve large quantities of food, fuel, weapons, tools and whatever else you need to weather the storm. Don’t be caught off-guard invest in steel-gauge protection today.