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Hazmat Response Sends Three to Hospital

hazmat response

A hazmat response led to the hospitalization of three Chick-Fil-A customers last week in Columbia, SC. While information precipitating the response is scarce, authorities said the trouble began when workers poured two incompatible cleaning chemicals down the drain. The chemicals clogged the drain, leading to breathing issues for employees and customers. Medics evaluated more than a dozen people onsite with no serious injuries reported. Compliant chemical storage doesn’t end with onsite protection. Dangerous chemical handlers must remain vigilant in storing and disposing dangerous chemicals. Hazardous waste collection and disposal should garner significant employee training for emergency responses and oversight.

What is a Hazmat Response?

A hazmat response is a significant chemical incident, including spills, leaks, vapor toxicity, and dangerous materials physical contact. Employees must treat each hazmat response with abundant caution by immediately alerting authorities while promptly evacuating customers and staff. Companies looking to offset or minimize hazmat responses should develop and rehearse a safety preparedness plan. Onsite, compliant chemical storage prevents improper mixing and incompatible chemical storage. Our fire-rated and non-fire-rated chemical storage lockers safely separate dangerous chemicals that could potentially interact, producing flammable, toxic vaporization prone to sudden flashovers, combustion, and breathing irritants. While chemical storage protects inadvertent contamination and working area breaches, our hazmat lockers and warehouses encourage vigilance in inventorying and dangerous material disposal.

What Should the Employees Have Done Differently?

The employees disposing dangerous chemicals shouldn’t bear complete responsibility for the hazmat response. Most service industry workers are more concerned with food safety and sanitation rather than toxicity implications. Although authorities didn’t disclose which cleaning agents led to the dangerous mixing, the prevalence of toxic cleaners in fast food establishments is indicative of the dangers afoot at the Columbia Chick-Fil-A. The employees had likely recently finished establishment cleaning before carelessly tossing the chemicals down the drain. Employees should follow similar protocols for discharging fry oil and chicken grease – dispose the residual flammable waste in federally-compliant disposal receptacles. The restaurant’s management should also develop proper guidelines for dangerous chemical handling, storage, and disposal, preventing future incidents and negative press. Small onsite chemical storage lockers engenders sensible storage practices for dangerous chemicals. Ensure continuous chemical storage protection at your establishment with U.S. Hazmat Storage.

We’re Here to Help

new hazmat laws

Hazmat responses are terrifying for staff and customers. Sudden and abrupt disturbances befuddle our primal amygdalas that send fight or flight signals to the frontal lobes. Instincts prevail in dramatic environments, and residual accidents can occur as people scramble for the exits. US Hazmat Storage adds calming measures to unpredictable chemical incidents. Routine employee training and proper chemical storage practices prevent untimely hazmat responses and injuries. Contact us today for a free quote and consultation.


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