At U.S. Hazmat Storage, we value the element of preparedness almost as much as we do safety.
In the chemical storage business, precaution and proper planning are synonymous with one another – you simply cannot have one without the other. The lack of foresight in planning how you will handle dangerous materials may be an afterthought as you busy yourself with your latest project, but the consequences of overlooking these essential steps can often prove disastrous.
Where should I store the paint thinner for this renovation project? Maybe you have near empty containers of combustion agents at cement plant. Can these items be simply thrown to the wayside? What about structural applicants for coating the exterior? Can you just leave these items in a corner out of the way? The answer is always a resounding no. There is a better solution. There is a U.S. Hazmat Storage solution.
Allow U.S Hazmat Storage to take the lead on chemical protection
When companies don’t properly secure dangerous chemicals, their routine projects can often incur monstrous civil penalties and lawsuits. One seemingly frivolous suit can sink an entire business. Private businesses aren’t the only ones who must worry about conflagrations and chemical exposure due to careless storage practices. Municipalities must also prepare the worst in looking for ways to mitigate the carelessness of others. Recently, a small community in scenic Colorado heeded this sage advice.
According to the Summit Daily, the county’s emergency management office spearheaded a hazardous material response exercise in late May. More than 100 emergency responders, doctors, nurses and police officers participated in the simulated response. While just an exercise, the purpose of the simulation was to gauge the county’s preparedness for dealing with a dangerous chemical fire or explosion.
“We designed this scenario to present a level of complexity that prompts public safety responders to engage our regional, state and federal partners,” Summit County Emergency Management director Brian Bovaird said. “These exercises give us the opportunity to test our systems and ensure we’re prepared to collaborate with one another in response to a wide range of emergencies that could affect multiple jurisdictions.”
Call U.S. Hazmat for fire-rated chemical storage you can count on
We applaud the county’s foresight in planning for the worst, but if companies didn’t skimp on proper chemical storage, the need for such exercises would be greatly diminished. But many times, these companies don’t know where to turn to for their chemical storage needs. Procuring specific storage units isn’t as easy as going to the hardware store to buy a ladder and hammer. Fortunately, U.S. Hazmat Storage has removed the guess work.
We offer two-hour and four-hour fire rate protection. We understand that you value top quality and so do we. Our units are professionally welded and include spill containment sumps to make sure all hazardous materials are properly accounted for.
Non-fire rated chemical protection with EPA compliance
For less volatile substances, there is also protection. Our non-fire-rated storage options are effective solutions for storing pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. Our non-fire rated storage options come in a variety of sizes, capable of accommodating several hundred gallons of chemicals at a time.
While agricultural settings may seem like benign, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that in 2016, 417 farmers and farm workers died from a work-related injury. Almost all these deaths were preventable. Many of them could’ve easily been prevented with proper storage options. Don’t let your business become another statistic. Call U.S Hazmat Storage today for a free consultation.